Join us in a Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations on Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30pm in the Cathedral.
Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope
For information on the Jubilee Year of Hope, please click on the following websites:
Come and find help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.
Register at Griefshare.org.
These group sessions are facilitated by Charmaine Carter.
You are invited to dive into the study of the Book of Revelation during this lecture series taught by Charmaine Carter. This book is written in the style of apocalyptic genre which was common from 200BC to 200 AD.
The Book of Revelation was written to offer an inspiring message for the Pilgrims of Hope of the late 1st century AD, and that message continues to inspire the Pilgrims of Hope today.
Lectures take place on Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm in the Meehan Classroom of the parish center and via ZOOM on Thursdays, January 16, 2024 through April 24, 2024.
Introducing DiRT — St. Jude’s very own Disaster Relief Team!
Our parish community wants to have an organized response to send teams of volunteers to help those in need and ESPECIALLY if disaster strikes. Your participation can make all the difference!
St. Jude’s DiRT is here to help folks whose homes were hit hard by hurricanes, AND we’ll also pitch in as needed at the homes of any neighbor-in-need to lend a helping hand with things like repairs, yard work, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just good at finding the right tool for the job (don’t worry, we’ll teach you!), DiRT could use YOU.
Mission850 will guide us with the information and training to equip you with everything you need to serve in the mission! Check them out at www.mission850.com for more info on their incredible ministry.
Come learn how YOU can help rebuild hope and make a difference — and maybe even learn how to use a hammer without hitting your thumb!
Let’s get DiRT-y and do some good!
CLICK HERE to read the new diocesan pastoral plan.
The Catholic bishops of the United States are pleased to offer their teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics. This statement represents provides guidance for Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our democracy.
The Mysteries of the Mass
For a cradle Catholic like myself, the Mass is very familiar. Knowing what to do and when to do it is something most Catholics can do in their sleep.
We know what we’re doing… but what are we really doing? What is the deeper meaning of the Mass and of the things we do during its celebration?
This homily series will attempt to explain the not-so-familiar mysteries of the Mass in hopes that you can better enter into its mystical celebration and see its fruits abound in your life.
Check back regularly as more homilies will be posted.
Be Courageous with Help from a Friend
Living as God calls us to live isn’t easy. But we weren’t made for comfort and complacency. We were made for greatness! There are many ways to support each other on this path. One way is to receive a daily Be Courageous Scripture Reflection via email or text.
These short, personal messages are a service of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Bishop Gregory Parkes. They are written by people you might know, such as local priests, sisters, deacons, and parishioners.
We are on this journey to courageously live the Gospel together. Let’s support each other! We got this! Visit www.BeCourageousEachDay.org to learn more or text REFLECTION to 84576 to sign up.