Charmaine Carter
Anne Koster

Mission: The objective of the Information Communication Ministry is to provide information about parish events to the parishioners.

What do we do: Information Communication Ministry relays information from pastor and parish staff to parishioners through the parish App, website, social media, Flocknote, and the weekly bulletin.

This ministry is responsible for the design, accuracy and accessibility of posted information and ensures that the Spanish translation of information is accurate. 

Membership: Membership is open to parishioners who have access to a computer.  

Meetings: There are no regularly scheduled meetings.   

Training/Preparation: Training is provided by the ministry leader and the Diocese. 
No certifications are required. Background checks and Safe Environment training are not required.

Point of Contact:  Website – Charmaine Carter through the Cathedral Office at 727-347-9702 or

Bulletin – Anne Koster through the Cathedral Office at 727-347-9702 or