Many people are interested in the Catholic Church and would like to learn more about the teachings of the Church. We welcome you to attend RCIA classes to have your questions answered about the Catholic faith. Click here to learn more about RCIA.
Are you an adult who desires to be baptized? Have you been baptized in another Christian faith and desire to learn more about Catholicism? Then the RCIA classes are for you. Click here to learn more about RCIA.
Are you a baptized Catholic and now want to receive the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation? Click here to learn more about the Adult Confirmation preparation process.
Have you been baptized in another Christian faith but have been attending and participating in the Catholic Church and now would like to come into full communion with the Catholic Church? Click here to learn more about the Adult Confirmation preparation process.
Please contact Charmaine Carter at 727-347-9702 or ccarter@cathedralofstjude.org if you would like more information about the Adult Faith Formation ministry.