Tricia Tufaner

Mission: Altar servers are an important part of the liturgy. They perform functional and symbolic duties during the Mass. Their reverent worship and honor of God are visible examples for the people present at the liturgy.   

What do we do:  Altar Servers assist the priests at Masses and other liturgical services. Acolytes serve in a leadership role and help direct the less experienced servers.

Membership: Altar servers have completed 4th grade and have received First Holy Communion. Acolytes are chosen from within the existing corps of servers based upon leadership, experience, and confidence within the liturgy. 

Meetings: There are no formal meeting times. Servers are scheduled in advance and are asked to arrive 15 minutes before the Mass they are serving.

Training/Preparation: Training is held each year in September.

Point of Contact:  Tricia Tufaner through the Cathedral Office at 727-347-9702 or