I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

Song of Songs 6:3

The Sacrament of Marriage is a sacred covenant made by the bride and groom with God. It is a Sacrament of Vocation. At the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, we care about you and your marriage, and we look forward to sharing the journey with you!

Preparing for Marriage is one of the most exciting seasons in your life. We understand that every couple is unique, and we personalize your preparation as much as we can to meet your needs. Let us help you get ready for more than just the wedding day. Let us help you to prepare for entering your vocation and receiving this deep spiritual grace on your Journey of Faith.

Catholics who have been married in a civil ceremony may seek to have their union officially recognized by the Church. The Church calls this the convalidation of a marriage or the blessing of a marriage. The benefits of convalidation are many, including peace of heart, oneness with the Church, and reception of the Sacrament of Marriage. We will help you to prepare for the convalidation of your marriage.

By sharing the journey of your marriage preparation, we hope to welcome you home into a community where you can grow in your spiritual life. The Cathedral of St. Jude is not just a place where you get married. It is a place of family where you will be cared for, supported, and loved.

If you are newly engaged and want to be married in the Cathedral or have been civilly married and would like your marriage blessed in the church, please contact Carol Fox at 727 347 9702 ext. 311 or cfox@cathedralofstjude.org.

If you will require an annulment prior to having your marriage convalidated, please Click here.

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