Mission: Extraordinary Ministers (EM) serve the Cathedral and the Lord by taking the Eucharist to Catholics who are homebound or in local nursing homes.
What do we do: Extraordinary Ministers visit homebound parishioners and those in local nursing homes and bring them the Eucharist.
Membership: An EM must be a practicing Catholic, registered member of the Cathedral, and have taken and passed all Diocesan requirements for Safe Environment Training. They must have a valid driver’s license or someone with a valid driver’s license to take them on their visits. Transportation is not provided by the Cathedral. The Parochial Vicar has oversight over EM Homebound Volunteers.
Meetings: None.
Training/Preparation: EM are interviewed by Cathedral Staff and provided the Handbook for Visiting the Sick or Homebound. They serve an internship with a veteran EM.
Point of Contact: Anne Koster through the Cathedral Office at 727-347-9702 or office@cathedralofstjude.org.