Mission: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul fosters hope by providing spiritual, emotional and material assistance on a person-to-person basis to those living in poverty, the lonely, and the forgotten. The Society members adhere to a Rule and to the highest standards of excellence. We believe we see the face of Christ in those we encounter. We believe we are called to a lay vocation to serve those in need and each other as we grow in holiness and friendship. We offer ourselves as servant leaders in our mission of charity and justice.
What do we do: We collect donated food and household supplies that are placed in the collection baskets at the Cathedral doors and provide it to the SVDP Cares Pantry. Donations made to the Poor Boxes in the Cathedral and Chapel are used by the conference to assist our clients. Members work one-on-one with clients to provide clients help with expenses such as rent and utilities.
Membership: Members must be willing to do in-person ministry similar to social work.
Meetings: Twice monthly meetings are held.
Training/Preparation: New members are trained by current members in group training and individual training.
Point of Contact: Jennifer McGarry at president@stjudesvdp.org or through the Cathedral Office at 727-347-9702.