Registration form completed.

Please choose a Sponsor. Sponsors are to obtain a Sponsor Form from his/her parish, and provide it to an OCIA team member or drop it off at the parish office.

A Sponsor is:

  • A Confirmed Catholic who is actively practicing his/her faith,
  • 16 years or older,
  • someone who has no canonical impediments,
  • is not a parent to the catechumen (but can be any other relative).

Rite of Acceptance – This ritual will take place on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at the 9:30am Mass in the Cathedral. Your Sponsors are required at this rite. If your Sponsor cannot attend, please inform an OCIA team member, and we will provide a proxy for your Sponsor.

Rite of Election – details to be announced

Rites of Initiation – details to be announced