

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Church? You are invited to attend the OCIA sessions. A new topic will be presented each week, and you will be able to ask questions and gain clarification on the teachings of the Church. If you would like to join the Catholic Church, this process will lead to your reception in the Catholic Church.

CLICK HERE to learn more and to register.


New Information Desk

Our new Registration and Information Desk is located in the Cathedral near the Pieta. Someone will be able to assist you before and after all Weekend Masses with the following:

  • Register as a Parishioner
  • Schedule a Mass for a loved one
  • Make a prayer request
  • Arrange for Pastoral Care visit by one of our priests
  • Request weekly Holy Communion for a HomeBound person
  • Register for OCIA or Adult Confirmation Preparation
  • Register a child for Catechesis of theGood Shepherd
  • Obtain information for Faith Formation (F.I.R.E.)
  • Obtain information for EDGE / LifeTeen
  • Obtain information about parish ministries
  • Obtain a Map of the St. Jude campus
  • Sign up for Flocknote — our parish email information dissemination system
  • Gather information about current events
  • Sign up for current or upcoming classes or events
  • Find answers to general question about the Cathedral

Volunteers are needed to serve our parishioners and visitors before and after the weekend Masses. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact Charmaine Carter at, or by contacting the office at 727-347-9702.



LifeTeen is our Youth Ministry for High School students. Lifeteen meets after the 6:00p Mass in the Youth Room.

All High School students are invited.

CLICK HERE to learn more about EDGE.



EDGE is our Youth Ministry for Middle School students in grades 6 through 8. EDGE has restarted and meets Wednesdays, 6:00pm – 8:00pm in the Youth Room. All Middle School students are invited.

CLICK HERE to learn more about EDGE.


Adult Faith Formation Groups and Classes

At the Cathedral, we provide many opportunities by which you can gain a deeper understanding of your faith. Consider participating in one or more of the following Adult Faith Formation offerings that is right for you. Click on the title of each class to learn more.

Adult Confirmation Preparation (via ZOOM)  – You have been baptized in the Catholic Church and have been attending Masses, and you would like to be confirmed. Adult Confirmation Preparation sessions meet weekly on Tuesday evenings. For information on the next sessions please contact Charmaine Carter at 

Bible Study classes will begin again in mid-August. Consider reading the story of salvation in the Bible with a focus on historical context:

Bible Study Year 1 – Read and study the Hebrew Scriptures: Genesis through the Book of Ruth. Class sessions will be video-on-demand, with monthly meetings. This class is not currently being offered.

Bible Study Year 2 – Continue reading and studying the salvation story in the Hebrew Scriptures: 1 Samuel to the start of the Babylonian Exile. This class is not currently being offered. Class sessions will be video-on-demand, with monthly meetings.

Bible Study Year 3 is open to students who have completed Bible Study Year 2. We will continue the salvation story in the Hebrew Scripture, from the Babylonian Exile, through the Persian and Greek Empires, to the Intertestamental Period. Class sessions will be video-on-demand, with monthly meetings.

Bible Study Year 4 is open to students who have completed Bible Study Years 2 and 3. We will enter the 1st century AD. The Roman Empire dominates the world. Jesus enters the scene of salvation history. We begin the Christian Scriptures: the Synoptic Gospels. Class will meet on Wednesdays 7:00pm – 8:30pm.

Bible Study Year 5 is open to students who have completed Bible Study Years 4. We will enter the era of the Church as we study Acts and the Pauline letters.This class is not currently being offered.

Liturgy of the Hours classes (via ZOOM) – The Liturgy of the Hours is the official and universal prayer of the Catholic Church. Learn the method of praying this ancient prayer. Watch the bulletin for four-week sessions which are offered several times throughout the year.

OCIA Interested in learning more about Catholicism and the Catholic Church? The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) Adult sessions explore the basic tenets of the Catholic faith, and will answer all of your questions. OCIA will also prepare the participants for the Sacraments of Initiation. Sessions meet Tuesdays 7:00pm – 8:30pm.

Small Faith Sharing Groups Small Faith Sharing Groups are small communities within our larger parish community. We reflect on the teachings and graces of the Lord, and we spur one another on in our journey of Faith. Small Faith Sharing Groups meet weekly.

For more information about all the Adult Faith Formation classes and groups, please contact Charmaine Carter at or 727-347-9702.