Adult Faith Formation
- Adult Confirmation
- Becoming Catholic
- Bible Study
- Liturgy of the Hours Class
- Men’s Early Morning Bible Study
- OCIA (formerly RCIA)
- Small Faith Sharing Groups
Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Music Ministry
- Cantor Program
- Cathedral Choir
- Cathedral Schola
- Children’s Choir
- Contemporary Ensemble
- Instrumentalists
Liturgical Ministries
Service Ministries
- Candles
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry
- Coffee and Donuts
- Communication – Website, App, and Social Media
- Dynamic Parish
- Environment Committee
- Information and Registration Desk in Cathedral
- Lighthouse
- Nursing
- Serra Club
- Sewing Committee
- St. Joseph Volunteers
- Vestiture
- Welcome Center and Gift Store Ministry
- Welcome Committee
Outreach Ministries
Lay Communities
- Columbiettes
- Knights of Columbus
- Magnificat
- St. Jude Mom’s Group
- Teams Of Our Lady (TOOL)
- Women’s Welcome Weekend Ministry
- Young Couple’s Ministry
Catholic Resources